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Tianjin dialect slang

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Tianjin Humanities>

The other place goes to Tianjin, can feel Tianjin word and mandarin have some of difference.

The area limits of Tianjin word is the dialectal island of a triangle. The hemline of this dialectal island is apart from old city north to make an appointment with L kilometer, most advanced be apart from the about 22 kilometers austral old city. Dialectal island the dweller with north, the language is close to Beijing word, northeast is close to Tang Shan dialect, southwest and southeast are close to Jing Haiyi to take square run. According to expert check speculation, the Tianjin word in this dialectal island originates Jiangsu and the dialect with upper Anhui. This and " Tianjin protects mark " saying Tianjin " always happy initiative monarch and of house, miscellaneous jump over " of Wu Chu neat Liang Zhimin to concern with Fujian.

The point with Tianjin dialect and different mandarin basically is on speech harmony attune. Look from the initial consonant of speech, zh of the sound after the tip of the tongue that Tianjin word is a mandarin, Ch, Sh reads Z of the sound before be the tip of the tongue, C, S, word of alleged tine sound is much. If read " thing Shi" into " ,be like Si" . 2 be breathe out mandarin without the mouth of initial consonant advanced face adds the word N of falling-rising tone mother, if read " love Ai" into " ,be able to bear or endure Nai" . 3 it is a model of the R in mandarin into I, if read the " of " flesh Rou into " right You" . Alter the breathed letter that I head vowel carries in mandarin again at the same time read R initial consonant. Like " always Y6ng" reads " busyness R6ng" . Cong Yun's mother looks, the word that the heal up that Tianjin word is a mandarin breathes out reads a mouth to breathe out, desertion the head vowel U in simple or compound vowel namely. Basically happen in the word that waits for initial consonant with N, L, H, R, if fall " ,1uo reads happy into " Le. 2 it is a mandarin in with the N, 1 gather that is initial consonant the mouth breathes out word, read heal up to breathe out, increase tail vowel I, turn U into Ui namely, be like " female Nu; "Read Nui.

From tonetic on look, tianjin word moves of mandarin high, Gao Ping (5-5) reads bass, low flat regulation (2-1) , rise namely sound is low, fall the sound since signal to noise ratio is low still. If " day Tian" is read,be like " to add Tian" . Some mandarin 3 words sound reads word news, if " pen Bi is read,become " nose Bi " . Some reads 2 words into words, if " chrysanthemum Ju " is read,reside Ju' into " .

The vocabulary of Tianjin dialect also has special place. For example: "Uncle " is the elder brother of father. "Uncle " , the younger brother of father. "Uncle " , husband elder brother. "" of little father's younger brother, husband younger brother. "" of on the spot is the ground go up. " " , what. "Times funny " , particularly interesting. "Each (Ge) lubricious " , extraordinary. "Deft dot " , quickly. "The head is felt " , head bout. "Drive busy " , too busy. "Build put aside " , prattle. "Get Bo " , long-winded. "White bluff " , narrate (demote meaning) . "Read aloud 3 sound " , say the person talks casually about. "" of cluck wooden club, speak ill of a person. "Fart fart " , say lie. "" , " leaves machine " from why, conversation does not have text. Absentminded, wrong. "Hit small cymbals " , joking. "Flooey changes " , joke person. "Wide rose " , be hit. "Drop facial " , suddenly turn hostile. "Turn over defect " , draw well, fall out. "Each are twisted " , do not unite, have contradiction. "Fight frowsty child " , mump. "Hay cling to " , indolence is fast. "Abduct bone " , play general reason of the disagreement that need a person. "Bump into division " , bunt person. "Buckle all alone " , miserly. "Raise enrages " , proud, show off. "Do not have caw to listen to " , do not pay attention to. "" of not bright tip, cannot make well-advised response. "Not model " , bearing does not get respect. "" of get fed up, do not like, dull. "Grow Mi " , neatly dressed. "Smooth " , insinuate. "Crouched " ' to wait in vain. "Hit 8 forked " , do not have permanent occupation. "Eat hang fall (1ao)" , suffer complicity. "Do not have always " , do not have method. "Did not tear open fine " , did not consider leeway, do not have method. "Make fun of work " , work to not be free from anxiety. "" of have no access to sth, impossible. "Have play " , hopeful. "From crooked " , ill-affected and express somewhat. "Do not become aware frowsty " , not self-conscious. "Say a group (read gently) " , say go out of form. "Stop " , halt. Every a variety of this dialectal jargon, lift lift deeply.