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Ferry door quyi - - Chan Xian

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Tianjin Humanities>

Chan Xian, qing Qianlong year a traceable Beijing, because sing when strike a part with anise beat, renown anise beat. Popular Beijing, Tianjin and northeast each district. Chan Xian is couplet music system, inchoate often mix in fork music head place between fork music end in order to count responsory a certain number of the names of the tunes to which qu are composed, now normally the structure is mixed for fork music head a certain number of the names of the tunes to which qu are composed. Inchoate Chan Xian's actor comes from Beijing. Before founding a state, cropland of the dirt of sword of father a surname of 3 old school, Chang Shu, Xie Ruizhi all the year round active on the quyi arena that is in Tianjin. 40 time, of forefathers of collect of Hui Ru of stone of actor of Tianjin odd bowstring become greatly, formed what oneself have distinctive color to sing art.

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