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The brigade of Yu Yangshan wild go for a walk in the country in spring

From;  Author:Stand originally Position:home>Travel routes>

Phone: 29134452

Head of north of ● west hill goes vacationing village
Farmhouse courtyard is recreational swim
1, courtyard of farmhouse of board and lodging, recreational admire scene, taste fish of bright reservoir of have a taste of what is just in season.
2, take car of yacht, houseboat, ass.
3, visiting Ji Dong fights day to want memorial hall of smooth revolution of leader –– plum according to the landlord, the revolution that understands glory of setose thiste county history.
Phone: 82726281

● dish hill cemetery of revolutionary martyrs
Visiting the grave of martyr area, monument to revolutionary martyrs, dish relics of battle of hill revolution memorial hall, monumental corridor, Shi Hai, undertake patriotism is taught, hold join or be admitted to the party, into round oath activity and military training activity
Phone: 29821691

9 summits of ●
1. Red of border area dining room swims: Undertake revolutionary tradition teachs an activity, tourist can be in dining room of ” of the “ look forward to of emersion history, hot border area samples freely wear the Eight Route Army to install fellow-townsman to boil the congee of Shan Ye eight treasures that do.
2. Geological popular science explores swim: Watch 800 million years to span geological marvellous spectacle, those who know the world evolve into a process.
3. Farmhouse of north of the Great Wall is recreational swim: Eat farmhouse meal, live farmhouse courtyard, collect potherb, hold bonfire evening party, equestrian, fish with a hook and line.
Phone: 29718109, 29718215

● collect village is pressed down
Visit monument of victory of War of Resistance Against Japan, War of Resistance Against Japan to Jin Shuiquan anonymous the grave of martyr, War of Resistance Against Japan alarm world door, recall revolution martyr.
Phone: 29728544

● alone Le Si
1, cultural relic of history of setose thiste county exhibits: Exhibit data of the cultural relic that each period come up out of land since out The Neo-lithic Age and picture, character.
2, alone Le Si maintenance exhibits: Course of maintenance of introductory ancient temple and anatomize its to build secret.
3, visiting Qianlong make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital and performance of rubbings from a stone tablet: Watch tablet to engrave performance of rubbings from a stone tablet.
Phone: 29142904, 29142907

Hill of ● the Eight Immortals in the legend
1, deep and remote Lincaizhen admires the beauty of flowers: See gorge of water of table of the Eight Immortals in the legend, god get the better of condition, explore gorge is deep and remote forest, watch natural different stone, dawdle of the precious that collect hill, hawkthorn, bryony, medicinal material.
Phone: 22711340, 22711044

9 dragon of ● hill
1, know 100 kinds of birds, sign 100 kinds of trees: The lark garden that new building covers an area of 10 thousand much square metre, raising marvellous spectacle of a variety of 100 many 3000 precious to admire a bird.